Talk to Me
The Language Project
»Language is mankind's most essential and most mysterious invention – except, of course, that it was never invented« Guy Deutscher, Linguist
»Words shape how we relate to one another and the world at large, they frame what matters and why. Words can break your heart (›My feelings for you have changed…‹), tickle your mind (›The more I learn, the more I learn how little I know…‹) and enlighten your soul (›I have a dream…‹).« Maria Popova, Writer
Without words, thinking is almost impossible.
Language varies in a multitude of ways: there are dialects, jargons, slang terms and many other distinctions. As a result, language is full of surprising phenomena; some of which are funny, others disturbing - but all of them reveal a lot about ourselves and the way we think.
In class we designed print magazines about words and worlds - the words we use and the worlds they reflect. Each student focussed on one specific phenomenon.
|| 3rd and 5th Semester
Apiwat Anuntrachartwong: »Lost in Umlauts«
Experiencing German language
Theresa Tietz: »Meint der so«
The Language of the Zeitgeist
Frederik Küpper: »Voll Nice«
The Language of the Zeitgeist
Robin Arendt: »Zwanzigdreizehn«
The Language of the Zeitgeist
Kai Gau: »4 Sale«
The Language of Advertising
Jan Nis Paulsberg: »In the Group«
A magazine about Slang
Maximilian Heger: »Pssst«
A Magazine about Silence
Anne Reichel: »Are you listening«
A magazine about silence