Lisa Aenstoots
»I wanted to be as light as a feather and disappear silently«
»These words hit my soul like a meteorite hits earth«
»I think my illness is like a mosaic«
»ANA« is a series of large-format photographs that explore the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa. Up to 70 million individuals worldwide are affected by eating disorders; 18 % of those who suffer from anorexia die of the illness (Source: The Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders, »Eating Disorders Guide«, 2003).
The work is based on statements by those affected. They often personalise the phenomenon and their feelings towards it seem to be most ambivalent. Anorexia Nervosa is not only regarded as an enemy, but often as a friend, especially during the initial phase of the disorder.
Another key topic is the tension between self-image and public image. The series reflects this tension by using different picture planes that have been created by using a projector.
|| Bachelor Thesis